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Skateboard Lessons For Beginners: How to Frontside Feeble

Los Angeles skate coach Coyote Rob shows us in today's online skateboarding lesson!

So, you’ve mastered the basics of skateboarding and are ready to take your trick game to the next level? Congratulations! You’ve come to the right place because today we're diving into the world of the frontside feeble—a trick that sounds fancy, looks impressive, and will definitely make your friends think you’re a skateboarding wizard. If you’re in Los Angeles and itching to get this trick down, or if you’re thinking about taking up skateboarding (or surfing) in general, stick around. We’ve got you covered with tips, tricks, and even a little humor, thanks to our friends at Coyote Skate & Surf School.

What is a Frontside Feeble?

The frontside feeble is a rail trick where you approach the rail or ledge from the front side and lock the board into a feeble grind position. It combines style, balance, and a bit of skateboarding flair. To break it down, you’re going to do a frontside approach, pop onto the rail or ledge, and slide along while keeping the board locked in the grind.

Key Components of the Frontside Feeble

  1. Frontside Approach: Coming at the rail or ledge from the front side of the obstacle.

  2. Feeble Grind Position: The board locks in while your front truck grinds the rail or ledge.

  3. Balance: Staying centered and controlling the board throughout the grind.

  4. Pop and Slide: Using the right amount of pop to get onto the rail and sliding smoothly along it.

Prerequisites: Building Your Foundation

Before attempting the frontside feeble, make sure you’re comfortable with the following tricks:

  1. Ollie: The basic trick that gets your board off the ground. Without it, you’re not going anywhere.

  2. Frontside 50-50 Grind: This will help you get a feel for grinding on rails and ledges while approaching from the front side.

  3. Frontside Slide: Mastering frontside slides will make locking into the feeble grind much easier.

Preparing Your Skateboard Setup

The right skateboard setup can make a huge difference when learning new tricks. Here’s what you should consider:

  1. Deck Size: A medium-sized deck (7.75" to 8.25") is ideal. It’s like having the perfect pair of jeans—just the right fit.

  2. Grip Tape: Fresh grip tape will help your feet stay in place. Think of it as your board’s way of giving you a high-five.

  3. Trucks: Keep your trucks tightened to your preference. Too loose and you’ll wobble; too tight and you’ll struggle to slide.

  4. Wheels: Medium-sized wheels (50mm to 54mm) work well for street skating and grinding.

Foot Placement and Body Position

Getting your foot placement and body position right is crucial for the frontside feeble. Here’s how to set up:

Foot Placement

  1. Front Foot: Place your front foot across the bolts, angled slightly to help with the grind. It should be just behind the nose of the board.

  2. Back Foot: Position your back foot on the tail of the board. This will help you pop and lock the board into the grind.

Body Position

  1. Shoulders: Keep your shoulders aligned with the board. They should face slightly towards the rail or ledge.

  2. Knees: Bend your knees to prepare for the pop and grind. Think of it as your pre-grind dance move.

  3. Head: Look forward and focus on the rail or ledge. You don’t want to be surprised by that unexpected obstacle!

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing a Frontside Feeble

Step 1: Setup and Approach

Start riding at a comfortable speed. Position yourself so you’re approaching the rail or ledge from the front side. Find a flat, smooth surface to practice on first.

Step 2: Pop onto the Rail

  1. Pop the Board: Use your back foot to pop the board onto the rail or ledge. You want to make sure you get enough height to lock into the grind.

  2. Lean Forward: As you pop, lean slightly forward to help the board lock into the feeble position. It’s like leaning into a big hug from the rail.

Step 3: Lock into the Feeble Grind

  1. Lock the Front Truck: As you approach the rail, make sure your front truck locks onto the rail or ledge. Your back truck should slide along with the rail or ledge.

  2. Control the Slide: Maintain balance and control as you slide. Keep your body centered and avoid leaning too far forward or backward.

Step 4: Exit and Land

  1. Prepare to Exit: As you reach the end of the rail or ledge, prepare to pop off and land. Keep your weight centered and your knees bent.

  2. Land and Roll Away: Pop off the rail and land with both feet over the bolts. Roll away smoothly, like you’re floating on a cloud. Celebrate with a high-five or a victory dance—your choice!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common problems skaters face when learning the frontside feeble and how to fix them:

Problem 1: Not Locking into the Grind

Solution: Make sure you’re popping high enough and leaning slightly forward. Your front truck should make contact with the rail or ledge before your back truck slides on.

Problem 2: Wobbling or Losing Balance

Solution: Focus on keeping your weight centered and your shoulders aligned with the board. Practice grinding on smaller ledges or rails to build confidence.

Problem 3: Sliding Off the Rail

Solution: Adjust your foot placement and lean slightly forward. Make sure your front truck is fully locked onto the rail or ledge.

Problem 4: Landing Off-Balance

Solution: Practice your landing technique and make sure to bend your knees to absorb the impact. Keep your weight centered and aim to land with both feet over the bolts.

How Coyote Skate & Surf School Can Help

Learning a trick like the frontside feeble can be challenging, but with the right guidance and practice, you’ll be grinding like a pro in no time. Coyote Skate & Surf School in Los Angeles offers expert skateboard lessons to help you master this trick and many others.

Why Choose Coyote Skate & Surf School?

  1. Experienced Instructors: Our team of skilled instructors knows how to break down tricks into manageable steps. We’ve got the expertise to guide you through every grind and slide.

  2. Tailored Lessons: We offer personalized lessons based on your skill level and goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, we’ve got a lesson plan for you.

  3. Supportive Environment: At Coyote Skate & Surf School, we create a supportive and fun atmosphere where you can learn, practice, and progress at your own pace.

  4. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our curriculum covers a wide range of tricks and skills, including frontside feebles, nollie flips, and even surfing basics. We provide structured lessons and practice sessions for effective learning.

  5. Convenient Locations: With our skate school based in Los Angeles, we’re easily accessible for skaters around Venice Beach, Santa Monica, and beyond. We offer lessons in diverse locations for a well-rounded skateboarding experience.

Benefits of Professional Skateboarding Lessons

  1. Accelerated Learning: Our expert instructors help you learn tricks faster and more efficiently. We provide valuable tips and techniques to help you progress.

  2. Improved Technique: We focus on refining your technique and addressing common mistakes. Personalized feedback will help you perfect your grind and slide.

  3. Increased Confidence: As you master new tricks and improve your skills, your confidence on the board will grow. We provide a safe environment to push your limits.

  4. Safety and Injury Prevention: We prioritize safety and teach proper techniques to minimize the risk of injury. Our instructors emphasize wearing protective gear and practicing safe skateboarding habits.

Practice Drills and Exercises

To improve your frontside feeble consistency and confidence, incorporate these practice drills into your routine:

Feeble Grind Practice

Work on locking into feeble grinds on small ledges or rails. Focus on your approach, pop, and balance.

Frontside 50-50 Drills

Practice frontside 50-50 grinds to get comfortable with grinding on rails and ledges from the front side.

Ollie and Slide Exercises

Practice ollies and slides on flat ground to build confidence in popping and sliding.

Pop and Balance Drills

Work on your pop and balance by performing ollies and grinds on flat ground. Focus on maintaining a consistent pop and smooth landing.

Embrace the Journey

Mastering the frontside feeble is a challenging but rewarding journey. Embrace the process, enjoy the learning experience, and celebrate each milestone along the way. Whether you’re skating in Los Angeles or anywhere else, remember to have fun and enjoy the ride.

By following this guide and seeking expert guidance from Coyote Skate & Surf School, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the frontside feeble and expanding your skateboarding skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, there’s always something new to learn and discover in the world of skateboarding. Keep pushing your limits, exploring new tricks, and enjoying the incredible journey that skateboarding offers. And who knows? Maybe after mastering the frontside feeble, you’ll want to try your hand at surfing—because at Coyote Skate & Surf, we’ve got you covered on and off the board!


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